
Random quest ideas !!!

After seeing the quest variety in D3 blizzzcon demo i felt like suggesting more non-story-related random quest ideas.

Here are four i made up, they vary from simple ones to lengthy complex ones (we could have some random quests only appearing in higher difficulties)

1-The Portals

2-Burning House

3-Cursed Haven

4-The Adventurers Band


1-The portals:

Four mages ask our hero to escort them to four specific locations, those locations have portals linking to some of Sanctuary hellish realms and through them countless demons pour into the world and terrorize people, and the mages need your help to dispel and close them.

Two of the portals are above ground and the other two are underground, and the four mages will use a dispelling channeling spell that takes some time to activate during which they will be vulnerable, and that's were our hero comes in to protect them while they do their spell casting, during which they surround the portal and cast the spell (which takes around 2 min to activate if all four mages are alive).

As soon as they take their positions around one of the portals demons start gathering from all places to stop them, also some powerful demons spawn from the portal as well, the player needs to move back and forth protecting all four from the demons attacking from outside and those who spawn from the portal (making it a fun mission for 4 players).

The winning condition is that at least one of them survive after all protals are closed.

Also .. if one of the four dies the time needed to close any portal by three of them becomes (4 min) instead of (2 min) and if two mages die the other two take (6 min) to close a portal, if three of the four mages are killed the dispelling spell takes the last one (8 min) to close a portal, if all four are dead before all portals are closed the mission fails.

The rewards vary depending on the number of surviving mages in the end.


2-Burning House:

The player comes across a two floor house in the wilderness that caught fire and is surrounded by a very large pack of fallen screaming things like "cooked humans" and "grilled fools", and before moving in to fight them the player hears screams coming from inside the house asking for help and for anyone to stop the fire.

Those calling voices tell the player about a well nearby that has blessed/magical water which can help put out the fire, the player moves around 20 meters to the side of the house (and now he can be seen by the fallen who start rushing towards him) to get to the well, pick up a bucket (as a quest item) and click on the well to fill it with blessed water (takes 10 sec) after that the player fights his way to the house and clicks on it to pour the magical water on its entrance, it evaporates and the fire lessens.

The player will have to keep going back and forth for at least 5 or 6 times to fully put out the fire while also fighting the countless Fallen surrounding the house who didn't like his interference for their grill party.

If the player takes too much time (i.e ... gets carried away fighting fallen) and the house burns completely (it has a Durability meter that keeps dropping with the fire burning) the mission fails.

If the player puts out the fire and kills all the numerous fallen around the house he gets a nice item reward, EXP and some little gold from the residence of the house (Gold value depends on how well the house condition is when the fire was put out).


3-Cursed Haven:

The player arrives at some remote small village that has around 10 to 12 mud/wooden huts, a mud/wooden wall surrounding it and a gate, upon entering and speaking with the village chief who keeps complaining to the player about constant demonic raids(entering the village cheif hut and speaking with him about the demonic raids triggers the quest) shortly after that an injured person rushes into the village screaming about a large incoming demon raid, the largest ever that attacked the village

The village chief asks for your help to keep the demons outside the viallge at bay until he prepares the caravan that they will use for their escape from the village (around 18 people), being told by the Village chief that there is a passage through the village well to the outside of the village the player moves to the village center (marked with the well) and sees the well and the demons surrounding the village walls and trying to break its gate.

The player clicks on the well and chooses to jump into it, after landing at its bottom and walking for few seconds in an underground passage the player finds a stone staircase leading up to an abandoned house 30 meters away north to the village (the village people can't use the well to escape since the elderly, the women and the children can't handle that jump).

Now the player being outside can start fighting the demons trying to take down the village gate (which must not be broken before the village chief prepares the caravan .. the player must prevent the monsters from dropping its durability to zero with their attacks or the quest fails and the demons swarm the village).

Once the player succeeds in protecting the gate for (2 min) the chief comes out with his caravan storming the gate and breaking it down on the demons heads, he tells you that the demons broke the village walls at several locations and tells you he had to rush outside the village before getting surrounded, the problem is there are still around 10 people hiding in the village huts that need help (10 out of 18 .. as 8 are already in the caravan with him), he tells you he will wait by the abandoned house to the north of the village and that you have to save as many as you can from the villagers.

By going back inside the village and clearing the way for the villagers to come out (by clicking on their houses one by one for them to come out) and escorting them all to the abandoned house in the north where the chief waits hiding behind it with his caravan and his people.

depending on the number of saved people (out of 10) the player gets a good item, EXP and gold ... if all 10 villagers die while being escorted the player only gets some EXP and some gold (for saving the other 8 in the caravan) .. but no item reward.


4-The Adventurers Band

By passing near their encampment a group of brave and almost crazy adventurers call for you and wish to hire you for a very special and outragously dangerous task.

They tell of their adventures in the hellish realms and how they fought and survived many times there but they have noticed that the demons there are getting more aggressive and more powerful over the past few years, so they ask you to help them hi-jack some rare powerful items from the a hell forge they saw before during their adventures in odrer to use them for fighting the demons.

Upon accepting they open a portal (one of them is a mage) and all (6 of them) jump into it asking you to follow them, once in there the player is teleported to a remote isolated location in one of Sanctuary hells, and upon reaching it the portals closes behind your backs.

After fighting your way with them to that forge they talked about you are all faced by its guardian (i.e .. a powerful heavily shielded blacksmith demon with some heavy large hammer and shield), after a fierce battle the demon is taken down and you all break into the forge (it is possible some of them might die duing the fight, at least two of them must survive, also the player can't attack or damage them as they are considred his party during this part of the quest).

After entering the Forge you fight few other lesser demons and finally reach its store/treasure room were all the vilable items forged there are stored, and upon breaking down its huge door the remaining adventurers give you one of two dialouge choices:-

(1-Pick one item from the forge store room as a reward and leave peacfully through the portal they will open up for you)


(2-Insist on asking for more items as a reward in which case they will sadly have to decline, then fight and kill you)

Depending on which choice the player picks they react differently .. if the player chooses to pick an item and leave through the protal they won't attack nor can the player attack them .. and upon reaching the other side of portal (Which sends the player back to the last waypoint) the quest is complete.

But if the player chose to "ask for more items" they will all go hostile and a very violent battle between the player and the remaning adventurers start .. upon killing them all (which isn't easy since their Ch.level is scaled to the player level) the player gets to collect all the items he wants and then pick a portal scroll from one of their corpses and use it to travel back to the normal realm (also takes the player back to the last waypoint he touched).

As for failure conditions ... if they all die while fighting demons (all 6 of them) as your party (and before reaching the forge storage room) the mission fails and you get teleported by one of them in his dying breath .. who also tells you that "you aren't worthy of any reward, begone!!!" or something like that.


All in all some of the random quests IMO should allow for a small window of little failures or rather varying degrees of success not just 0% or 100%, and with that it is possible they give varying rewards depending on the player performance .. thus better skilled players will always get better rewards .. while less skilled ones will still finish the quest but get much less rewards.

What do you think? .. and you are also welcome to share yours.

