In one of the NPC towns, you meet an old woman. Her name is Sana, and the
townsfolk regard her as a half crazy old coot. She can be seen wearing odd clothes with patches, pacing back and forth, often muttering to herself in an incoherent way.
After you complete a few quests in that area, her quest icon will light up. When you speak to her, she will tell you a story of her youth. When she was much younger "three scores before King Leoric came to Tristram," she was naive and full of life. She worked with her father in their leather shop, and had never met her mother who had died at childbirth. She began to like the boy who worked as her father apprentice. Afterwards, she found out that she was pregnant. When her father found out, he flogged the boy and had him declared an outcast from the town. He kept her locked in the house, until the baby was born.
With much shame boring down on his soul, her father began to ruminate in silence for much of the following days. One evening, her father told her to get dressed and bring the baby with her .. they were going to go somewhere. As they stepped out of town and into the path that lead into the woods, Sana felt like the night had come alive with a sense of gloom and evil she had never felt before in her life. They made their way through the dark and cold night until they reached a clearing.
In the middle of the clearing, there was a well. It looked like it had originated from hell itself .. emanating a dull bluish glow .. As Sana looked on with fear in her heart, her father turned to her and she saw his face like it had never been before. It seemed to her there was a dull reddish glint in his eye, one of extreme pain that was slowly losing itself to lunacy .. "Give me the boy." he demanded. Fear gripped her as she asked why. He replied, "The abomination you carry in your arms has tainted our family's name. It is the manifestation of evil, and it deserves to go back to the demons who possessed you to bring this thing into this world." Frightened beyond her wits, Sana began to sob and screamed, "I will not let you kill my baby .." but her father interrupted, "Your baby? You are not even married ... Do you see that well? That is the place where abominations like that thing are sent, to bury them from fulfilling a life which should have never been theirs in the first place!"
As Sana, heard these vile words excape her father's mouth, every instinct in her body told her to flee. As she turned to run, her father hit her along the face and she fell to the forest floor. The baby thrown from her arms, began to cry. She watched as her father picked it up .. walked to the well .. and after the briefest pause, threw the newborn into its maw. The baby's screams were heard until an awful thud brought an omnious silence. Sana, bewildered with grief, found herself on her feet .. running to the well upto her father, and with all her might pushing him into the abyss. She heard his screams until those too were silenced by a muffled thud.
Three days she sat there, distraught with grief. Eventually a merchant caravan found her and brought her back to town. Ever since that she had been incoherent, unresponsive, and in the eyes of the townsfolk, crazy.
Sana then tells the player, that she heard stories about the well from other townsfolk. It was the place where babies born out of wedlock were thrown, there were also accounts of mothers who went insane after casting their children in there, and consequently went to the well and jumped in to end their suffering. Over the centuries, it had retained such death and sorrow, that it is now said to be a cursed place with unimaginable evils inside. There is a second entrance to the labyrinth of tunnels under the well, a hidden entrance.
Sana gives you directions to this entrance, and beseeches you to go find the remains of her boy. She tells you that she had wrapped a gold amulet around his neck to protect him and it is through this marker he can be identified. When you find the remains, she asks you to bring them back to her, so that she can give her boy a proper burial and finally allow his soul to rest in peace.
The actual dungeon would be comprised of heinous things. After the player enters, there is no music .. only area sound effects. Dripping water can be heard, babies crying, faint female screams ..etc.
As the player progresses into the dungeon, he can see chains from the ceiling from which dead baby corpses are swinging, pierced by hooks in one foot, back, head etc. Blood dripping into pools on the ground. The player begins to hear baby noises as he progresses further, until he sees a baby crawling towards him on the floor. It looks human, only with glinting eyes, and leaving behind a trail of blood as it crawls. Slowly, more babies start crawling towards the player, on the floor, the walls, and the ceiling (Think the scene from Trainspotting when Ewan Mcgregor is going through withdrawal hallucinations, and he sees the baby on his ceiling). The babies pick up speed, and lunge towards the player, transforming into demonic entites with rotting skin, devilish eyes, and serrated teeth.
As the player fights and progresses into the dungeon, new enemies come to greet him. Female enemies with blood staining their clothes in the area under the stomach. Also female enemies with both wrists slashed, leaving blood trails on the floor. Restless spirits of mothers forever haunted by their guilt. Many of these female enemies are dragging dead babies by the foot, while the body drags along the floor.
At one point a scripted event is triggered. The player hears the screams of a baby becoming louder and louder ... then in a relatively calm area, you can hear a mother singing a lullaby .. which only causes the baby to cry more intensely. The lullaby never finishes . only trails off into a blood curdling scream. (All this is to add to the atmosphere).
The player finally reaches the deepest point of the labyrinth where there is a circular beam of moonlight coming from the ceiling. This is the place directly underneath the well's mouth. On the floor, is a skeleton of a baby with a shiny gold amulet. This must be the remains of Sana's baby. However, as the player approaches, there is a voice that cracks the air of the dungeon.
As a figure becomes visible and forms shape in the mist, a male voice asks "Who dares touch my grandson?"
The figure becomes visible. It is Sana's father, but in every way, not a human being. He has grown devilish horns, and his skin has gone blue .. His eyes are blood red, and he moves from place to place like an apparition. This is the final boss of the dungeon.
After you slay the boss, a demonic spirit can be seen leaving the body, which curses you as it dissapears. You pick up the quest item (baby skeleton, and amulet), and return to Sana, who thanks you, and mentions that Deckard Cain needs to see you. When you go see Cain, he tells you that he had been studying the Horadric Tome of known Demons. In it, there is an account of a wily demon who never gave alleigance to either side in the sin wars. He feeds off human misery, guilt, and the need for vengeance. When these emotions were concentrated in an area, he grew strength. Can then tells you that it is highly probable that the demonic entity which had possessed Sana's father could very well have been the same demon: Bane the Lord of Misery.
Afterwards, a grave can be seen in the garden outside Sana's house, and the townsfolk gossip reveals that Sana had begun to interact with them in a normal way.
The End!|||good story, good quest, too much background info to fit in dialoges. D2 was like "go kill, go clean the den of evil. kill andariel.." etc|||Like the idea of making D3 a bit 'nasty' but your graphic quest may be a bit much for the censors.|||1. Killing Monsters? M
2. Dead Babies? M
3. Killing Undead Monster Babies? AO.|||OOoohhh I likey.
I would send a suggestion like this to Blizz. Very nice and horrific and gorey

The only thing I would change or make sure of is that it's clear you're not killing the babies, but the demons instead... I can just imagine an uproar about that.|||Hahaha .. indeed, I definately got carried away. A bad habit of being a writer, always letting my imagination run amock. The censor board wouldn't be too deliberative in laying the smack down on my poor quest.
