
D3 achivements and replayability

D3 and achivements

Hi there Diablo fans!

I have read some threads about replayability and respec, but achivements is something that also leads to a lot of replayability.

I have also read that some people are afraid that the achivements will be simular to WoW.

So I have a few ideas and questions.

What exactly do you like and dont like with the achivement system in WoW if it was in D3? Please be specific and give examples and arguments so we al understands what achivements you love and what kind you hate.

I personaly think there should be achivements for all kinds of players, and that noone should ever complete all achivement, because there should always be some extreme hard ones left to do.

In WoW a lot of replayability comes from hard achivements, so people do pvp or intances over and over because they want to prove for others and themself that they can do that achivement.

I would like to see both Account-achivements and Character-Achivements. (Maybe we also will se clan-achivements).

Examples of Account-achivements (a lot of it will be summary from the best Character-achivements):

* Created a character of 5 different classes

* Found a unique

* Found a set

* Completed a set

* Completed a set for all classes

* Killed last boss with all classes

* Killed last boss with all classes solo

* Reached lvl 99 with with a softcore characters

* Reached lvl 99 with with a hardcore characters

* Reached lvl 99 with with a softcore characters on the ladder

* Reached lvl 99 with with a hardcore characters on the ladder

* Reached lvl 99 with all classes (5 characters)

* Reached lvl 99 with all classes in both genders (10 characters)

* Gathered x gold

* Completed x quests

* Used all monk spells (and same for the rest of the classes)

* Used all spells for all classes

Examples of Character-achivements:

* Found the Auction house

* Sold an item on Auction house.

* Made a winning bid on auction house!

* Traded one item with another player

* Traded one unique item with another player

* Traded one set item with another player

* Traded one rune item with another player

* First death (or simple date of birth and death in hardcore modes)

* Found a unique

* Found a set

* Completed a set

* Killed last boss

* Killed last boss in a solo game

* Gathered x gold

* Completed x quests

* Gambled a unique

* Gambled a set

* Gambled a rare

* Gambled a rune

* Gambled a full set

* Spent x gold on gambling totaly

* Spent x gold on gambling one day

The ladder will be reset, so for most achivments is DATE and LVL needed to show when you go back and read about the achivement.

Maybe order achivemts like this:

Softcore normal mode

Softcore nightmare mode

Softcore hell mode

Hardcore normal mode

Hardcore nightmare mode

Hardcore hell mode

And also in combination of ladder and non-ladder

And statistics both on character and account like:

Number of low runes picked up

Number of high runes picked up

Number of respecs

Number of death in the softcore modes

Number of uniques found, equiped

Number of set found, equiped

Number of set completed

Player killed in softcore

Player killed in hardcore when the other player went hostile first!

Number of times a hierling has been ressed.

Number of runewords completed

Number of runes equiped

Duels won

Fastest kill of 100 mobs in a solo game in seconds

Fastest kill of 100 mobs in a party game in seconds

Fastest Diablo kill in a solo game in seconds

Fastest Diablo kill in a party game in seconds

Killed Diablo without anyone dying or taking any pots or healthorbs in a party game

Killed Diablo without dying or taking any pots or healthorbs in a solo game

And hidden for others but still important...

* number of characters created

* total played time (for parents to see if they have addicted kids or if they are addicted

What we suggest echoes in eternity

