I would like there will be a big big powerful boss —preferably undead— with the capacity of drain levels if he hits a character with one of his skills.
It must be huge if you fight against him, get touched and lose one level, starting the fight in level 87 and perhaps ending with 85, less life, stats, and a lost of skills too.
If he will have a huge and mighty drop, I think it will be really interesting to fight against him. A true challenge with fantastic reward but dangerous.
Just dreaming of course. But this is my little dream and my desired suggestion/wish.|||meh a bit to strong imo...in D&D you can recover your lvl with a blessing...Diablo would be a waste of a spell and if they drain lvl permanently its just way to hard on hardest difficulty...say you lag in multi...he just drained a lvl,a lvl 99 losing a lvl would cry lol
i would instead make it temporary and make him a regular boss adjusting the drain effect depending on difficulty and affecting health,mana and base stat if armor really doesnt require stat to wear them
its a really good idea imo and very doable if it doesnt affect any skill that is..affecting skill would require alots of tinkering since if you got just 1 lvl of a spell that is really usefull and then you lose it even temporarly it can really gimp your char at some point
the only permenant drain effect ive seen so far is some D&D board game stuff and M&M the wraith and such that drain year out of your character and they grow older and less efficient and can really destroy your gameplay if not carefull(i remember when i fist played i didint realise they were draining me and i was stuck with an old *** warrior that wasnt worth much)|||Bad idea. If death doesn't cause XP drain, why should a boss make you lose an entire level? A big thing is that Blizz doesn't want permanent player Gimping. I read that in the Early days of D2, there were monsters with the "thieving" power, that would make you drop your items when hit. The community hated it so much that Blizzard removed it in the very next patch.
I guess it's because Blizzard doesn't want to mess with a player's "build". You pick your items, skills, and other stuff and go test it. It wouldn't be nice if that build changed without your consent.|||ExtraCrispy its 1.04 or before that the thief monster were in and they werent remove cause people hated them they were awesome imo the thing they did was remove your potion in your belt if i remember right lol and it was Lord of Sei errr whatever is name well the guy that pop when you push the seal of diablo the doom knight and it was in % chance...they basicly removed it cause it bugged alots the game making it crash and stucking animation apparently(never seen that one though)
but it was really freaking awesome to fight a boss with that kind of power
and like i said it shouldn't be permanent only temporary like a debuff if you like that would be really awesome and its been done in other game and its pretty easy to implent in a game like diablo were you already have stat lowering debuff skill|||Yeah, De Seis' "thief" ability was removed because it was buggy, not because it wasn't well-received. (Notice how you can't use potions during Leap or WW? Well if the thief ability were to kick in then, the game would crash. Or something.)|||I reaaaallllllyyyyy dislike XP drain, and I'd dislike skills drain even more

As for thief type abilities... since D3 isn't gonna be potion-centric, stealing pots isn't gonna have much effect, and if you let the boss steal GEAR, you're gonna have some very pissed-off players

So I don't see a way to make that interesting

Well in a way they already have it, when you die in nightmare or hell you loss experience if you have experience to lose. Having a boss that will drain a whole level could work well if players had a reason for fighting him. The risk taking would be exciting and fun if the risks can be directly attributable to the reward. If the rewards aren't there then the monster becomes 'one of those'. Which isn't bad either, it will all depend on whether or not the monsters or area's need guardian type enemies.
I play only hardcore, man. If I die, I die, I won't lose my exp (I really lose it, because you can check the ladder and you will see you with less exp, but this is not the point).
I'm talking about drain levels (or drain experience) in the middle of the combat.
I agree the other thing you said. The rewasds. This is the thing I am talking about exactly in my post. Perhaps respec system (4 or 5 points) if you defeat the monster, the possibility of upgrade items or quests which let you do it... things like that.
Of course this is just my desire. I'm not pretending everyone here like it, lol; it's a bit insane. But would work really cool for me.|||It could work if it's temporary. Like a reverse "rest" effect from wow. You'll gain your level(s) or exp back after a certain time or faster if you keep on killing monsters.|||I don't know about the specific implemetation (level drain), but I like the concept of a greater (or at the least different) penalty for dying to certain bosses. Or maybe something like "cursed" areas that imposed greater penalties. Either way, if the boss/area in question were non-essential to completing the game, I'd be fine with level drain.