
camera options

Crazy I know. It just popped in my head, what d3 would be like in third or first person. Would probably look nuts.|||i believe this link would help you.... http://www.blizzard.com/diablo3/

oh, you might wonna to click on play "gameplay movie" or what ever |||I think not. Diablo needs to remain the isometric perspective, as always. It's awesome.|||no, isometric all the way, it's part of his charm|||That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard.|||Either the OP has been living in a cave ... or he is a troll ... or both .. lols XD

All Diablo fans and the Devs agree that the isometric view is part of what makes the Diablo experience what it is.|||Technically, D3 will not be isometric, since that implies a lack of perspective, whereas there is perspective in D3 (you can see in this screen for instance that the bridge looks narrower at the far end than at the near end, due to perspective). I'd call it what D3 has a 3/4 top down view. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isometric_projection .

And D3 DOES have a third-person camera. That just means the camera does not take the viewpoint of the player's char. What it doesn't have is an over-the-shoulder camera.

As for the reasons, any game where you have hordes of critters coming at you from all sides (or where you control more than one char) is going to be VERY hard to play with a close camera, whether first or third person. That to me is what matters here, not any idea of "diabloness". Any other type of camera would get you pwned in short order.|||I never said it was a good idea. Just said it would be insane to play like that.|||Quote:

I never said it was a good idea. Just said it would be insane to play like that.

Yes, yes it would

I will say it would be fun to have the option... not for playing, but for screenshots, machinima and the like.

