
2 armour/weapon sets.

As ive been observing the screenshots for the inventory screen, i don't believe i have seen anything that would imply that they have carried over the dual set function from D2X.

It is extremely useful and a great feature. I really hope that they intent on putting that in there, and the fact that it has yet to be seen is only because they haven't got around to implementing it yet.

and on THAT note...i would like to see that done for hireables too.|||I liked the idea behind D2's two weapon sets, but in practice, all it was really used for a lot of the time was massive prebuffing without any real penalty.|||To be perfectly honest I can't see them not doing that again. I mean think of it this way, we have seen gameplay videos for two classes and thats about it. I mean you can hardly expect a full set to be discovered in the first run of the first dungeon eh? And then even if it were Im sure its a feature they have just felt no need to share just yet.|||that's what im assuming. it would just be nice to see. For reassurance that its there...you know? It's not as if its a feature that only activates/appears only after its absolutely necessary to have it. its there from the get go. regardless if you have just started off or not. and perhaps,maybe..if its not TOO excessive. have 3 items sets. so there is a small improvement. its definately one of those games where you need different sets for different situations. and it looks like there will be A LOT more of that this time around.

