So I'll post my suggestions here instead, hoping one lurking here would have the curtesy to post it for me on the official D3 forum. If so, thx in advance!
Here's the ideas I wanted to post. Feel free to comment!
Why hello there Blizzard!
I picked up this little bit of information up from a Blizzcon interview with Jay:
He mentioned that all 5 classes will get a unique mana orb. Which basicly means playstyle.
I find that highly interesting, as he also said that only the barb's fury meter was being done so far,
and nothing else really existed yet, except the normal mana orb.
So I have been tossing some options around in my mind for all the classes use of mana,
as it is, imho, one of the most important aspects of your character: the playabily.
Here goes, hope you like my suggestions! Any input, ideas or feedback from anyone reading this is always welcome!
The fury meter looks great really. It seems simple & clear, so any monkey can understand how it works.
I read that you are "quite happy" with the current build, but are still "experimenting"
Now I ask you, why try to fix something that's not broken? "quite happy" for blizzard standards should be "pretty awsome".
The only this I'd like to add is this: It works like the warrior's rage bar in WoW yes?
Then let the fury that's build up through normal attacks not drain too fast.
There's nothing more annoying then walking around with a full bar with nothing to wack, when it's depleting fast.
The other classes can (probably) crash right into a group of mobs wrecking havoc with their best ablilities,
so why not the barb? There's nothing more fun in Diablo then rushing in head first smashing everything with your best spells!
Specially for the barb, as he is the "though guy" no? And that's what it's all about! Fun!

Witch Doctor: Oo Ee Oo Aa Aa Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang! (sry I had too)
Jay stated in the same interview that the WD will use mana and it's official.
Well I beg you to reconcider. That would mean the Wizard would get something else? Not mana? And the WD would?
That's just weird. I'd say, give the Wizard it's mana orb, where it should be.
It's alot more fitting to give the WD some odd looking Juju jar, or VooDoo flask, or Mojo something-or-other.
Some strange looking pot filled with green liquid which can be used much in the same way as a mana orb for wizard maybe?
I don't know, figure it out, but give the WD Juju & the Wiz mana. Way more fitting!
See WD. Mana for the wizard. Nothing else to say really.
I was very pleased with the announcement of the Monk on Blizzcon. He's SO gonna rock! (if done right that is)
As it stands now, this will be the character I'll start with! But who cares?
Anyway, about his mana orb: Why not give him a Ki orb? It makes perfect sence.
And let it work like the rogue's of WoW's engery meter. It's drained fast, but is full in no time too.
It would fit perfect with the hit & run playstyle you described that the monk will use.
The barb allready has a rage bar from WoW why not give the monk the engery meter if it fits the playstyle?
I actually also got an idea for it how it could look as with the WD: It's full to start with, and yellow of colour.
When you use your attacks it rapidly starts depleating, until as small shimmering golden dot is left in the middle.
Then after a second or 2 of doing nothing, the Ki starts charging up again fast.
Well, there you go. Hope you find it usefull!
And please excuse my writing. English is not my mother's tongue

Oh and for the ppl who missed the info Jay gave, it's the interview done by eighter IGN or 1up, don't remember which.