The only thing that kept me going (before I stopped) is that every time you get a level, new quests will be ready for the taking. That would keep your character busy, and in addition - all of it actually helps you level up.
So, based on this knowledge, I added a Diablo 1 twist to it... Like maybe predetermined quests each character level, so that you can have something other, quite random thing to do each level in addition to those triggered quests in your current area. Plus, when you already beat the game - there would be two new random quests (maybe one random, other is predetermined) to complete each time you level up for the current difficulty and obviously, back to 1 in the next difficulty.
Then when you reach level 100, all quests will be unlocked, and adjusted to your current level, and all of them spawn randomly and one or two at a time.
That would keep me busy, since I'm more of an Single Player mode guy. Playing competitively on bnet isn't my thing - maybe I should try in Diablo 3, but yeah...
And they should make like 4 or 5 quests a level?
It would be also interesting if they spice few of the quests with lore that you can't obtain during normal gameplay, since I like lore anyway...
So, what do you think? I just hope they implement this if it isn't... And if they never thought of it, this is a suggestion then.|||Diablo never was about quests and level limits. You don't need to level, to get access to new quests. You just need to finish the previous quest and then you move on to the next one, so there's no waiting at all. I think this works great.
Now some quests/items did have level requirements, but if you play normally (and didn't rush) you wouldn't even notice those requirements. There for you never really worry about your level, you are busy playing the game. I hope they stick with this in D3.|||Hmm...
Do you know how the new quest system in Diablo 3 works? I don't, but it may be helpful if you explain.
After thinking it over last night, you really don't need to do quests other than those you have (So let's cross out almost half of my last post). But what if you completed Nightmare and Hell and got nothing else to do? The new quest system seems to solve this (I meant the repetitiveness, I guess it will stop at least), but what if the system is only limited to giving you random, triggered quests during the storyline?
I just want something to do when I am finished with the story, rather than just doing runs and kill more stuff aimlessly.|||Quote:
Do you know how the new quest system in Diablo 3 works? I don't, but it may be helpful if you explain.
From what we know and have been told so far, the quest system in Diablo III is kind of a mix between Diablo and Diablo II.
You have the core quests that every character must take.
And then you have the randomly generated quests, scripted quests, errand runs and extra quests that you can optionally undertake.
It's most likely a case that the ideas you are talking about here are in some way incorporated already, as in Diablo you had to be on a certain levels (Catacombs, Caves, Hell) before certain quests had a chance of spawning.
Thereby, you didn't have to be at a particular level to take a quest or see it- but it was generally accepted that if you were in Hell you were late 20s to early 30s in character levels.
So the balance existed, you just didn't have this system of "this quest is too high level for you" or "this quest won't show until x, y and z".
Both are pretty good systems for certain games but for Diablo it would seriously slow the pace and pretty much enforce some level of grinding.
As it's a generally accepted thing in Diablo and Diablo II that we take quests when we feel we should, as such, Sorceresses in late-game scenarios can usually do higher level quests easier than say Barbarians, as they can just use an AoE to kill everything- Barbs have to be one by one.
Therefore, even with a level limit you have to make sure that no class can easily do it faster than another, as then, you have rush classes or desirable questing classes.
Which then creates annoyance.
People complaining.
Possible item farming from said rush classes that can harvest quest rewards.
And so on.
But there's nothing wrong with a system that enforces quests on a particular area (such as in Diablo) as we should have a rough idea of what level we will be at that time and so should developers.
Nice replayability idea, though. : )|||Quote:
Nice replayability idea, though. : )
Haha... Thanks...

It's most likely a case that the ideas you are talking about here are in some way incorporated already, as in Diablo you had to be on a certain levels (Catacombs, Caves, Hell) before certain quests had a chance of spawning.
That's nice to know...
So the balance existed, you just didn't have this system of "this quest is too high level for you" or "this quest won't show until x, y and z".
Yep... I don't want it to be like the MMO I was playing where it shows what quests are for your level... That could be a nice thing to have, but it encourages some of the players to finish them all rather than just randomly encounter it. Diablo is about randomness after all.
As it's a generally accepted thing in Diablo and Diablo II that we take quests when we feel we should, as such, Sorceresses in late-game scenarios can usually do higher level quests easier than say Barbarians, as they can just use an AoE to kill everything- Barbs have to be one by one.
Therefore, even with a level limit you have to make sure that no class can easily do it faster than another, as then, you have rush classes or desirable questing classes.
Which then creates annoyance.
People complaining.
Possible item farming from said rush classes that can harvest quest rewards.
And so on.
Maybe specifically designed quests would be nice... Like what if in someway, the scenario (quest) itself alters to what your gameplay is? That would be awesome.
I wish I could alter Diablo 2... : (
But I really don't have problems finishing Normal through Hell (I read somewhere they're still going to implement that...) with the same core quests, I just want to do something after finishing Hell difficulty.
So when I realized Diablo 3 will feature random encounters/mini-quests along with the core ones, I thought that's good because if you replay it to the next difficulty then it would be at least a little (or more) different. Then I thought of the endgame stuff...
I read suggestions about endless towers that test your abilities and I think that's good for those who want a challenge. End Game mini quests would be nice to have for those who want to lay back and enjoy killing monsters across the screen for a purpose other than a challenge. The relationship about this and the levels (I think you may understand already) was for difficulty.
Maybe the endgame quests would be unlocked after finishing the game (end game quests for each difficulty would be individually unlock.) Blizzard should be able to estimate the power of the player already by that time, and accordingly create quests. They should also make more quests for Hell difficulty (preferably five to ten times more than normal if normal has only five to ten quests) or no endgame quests for Normal and Nightmare at all - all of them just in Hell.
Then each endgame quest would definitely have monsters, right? To fit the player's gameplay style, they should have something that detects whether the player use AoE type attacks or such, and then the game itself just modifies the grouping and types of monsters in that area.
Hmm.... I know Blizzard can do this better, so let's just wait. I wish for something similar at least though.
It just sucks to wait.