Items-for-pay merchants and the bots they control have pretty much ruined Diablo 2. You can see that whenever you go to the join game screen. Whenever you are in a public game, inevitably, a bot will join, kill the act-5 trio and the act-3 council, and then jet.
A while ago (a very smart individual whose name I have forgotten) suggested that you must pass a CAPTCHA prompt when creating or joining a game in Diablo 2. Everyone knows what a CAPTCHA prompt is, but probably not by name; it is that garbled series of letters and numbers that you must decipher whenever you want to join a forum or post lots of comments on Youtube. This is done to prevent spambots from swarming the forum so they can advertise penis pills, lost nigerian millions, etc.
If a CAPTCHA system was introduced into Diablo 2 when joining or creating a game, the bot problem would be immediately and forever quashed. Its a slight hassle, but I think any level-headed person would accept that small sacrifice. However, I have a feeling that will never see the light of day in Diablo 2.
Such a system in Diablo 3 would prevent the rampant botting that has engulfed the Diablo 2 realms since 2006 (thereabout). It should also be used when creating an account, to thwart the outrageously annoying spam ad-bots in the public chat.
Condensed version of this post:
A CAPTCHA system should be used in Diablo 3 whenever a player wants to join or create a game, or create an account. This would eliminate loot-bots, in-game ad bots, and chat spam-bots. Such a system would benefit Diablo 2 greatly, but probably won't surface. Diablo 3 should have it.|||No. Captcha should be banned on all internet sites. Half the time a human can't even read those damn things.|||I'm kinda counting on Blizzard to take care of the bot issues; I expect it was an obvious enough problem for them to consider ways of dealing with it by now...
And no, a captcha system would be horrible. Do you seriously want to play a game which forces you to deal with that nonsense? I know you're trying to be helpful and prove a point but would you, personally, SERIOUSLY want to have to deal with that every time you just want to play?|||What if you just have a yes or no question and press a button? Then you would at least get rid of half the bots. |||I'm surprised at how annoyed people are by the suggestion. Its an immediate, practically fool-proof method for thwarting all attempts at automating diablo 2/3.
I really would not mind answering the prompt during every game I made, considering I don't do mf "runs" anymore (when I was playing I would just clear several areas like the pit, worldstone, and river of flame), so the prompt wouldn't annoy me too much.
Obviously, they should pick a captcha system which is easy to read, and has a "Can't read it?" button to refresh the picture for a new try.
Come on now. Considering the benefit they offer, those captcha prompts aren't THAT annoying :/|||I think this is a great idea, at least if they implemented it for D2. A little annoyance is worth getting rid of most of the bots. In D3 they should have a better system that won't require that.|||Doesn't runescape use CAPTCHAs?
Horrible idea, more of a pain in the *** than it's worth.|||I guess its all about how well done the Captcha is.
What if you just asked to klick on the wounded monster on a picture?
No bot can recognzie a wounded monster |||Sorry to say, these days, a Captcha will no longer work. It will just be yet another annoyance to the legitimate player, just like all the other well intended changes Blizzard made that didn't do anything but annoy the legitimate player.
Search the internet. There are software Captcha decoders all over the place that can be easily integrated into the bots, and if that does not work, the major players will simply buy and integrate the necessary hardware into their bots. The major players simply make too much money selling items to let a Captcha get in their way, the same as they didn't allow
- too many games per hour
- entering/exiting games to quickly
- warden
get in their way.|||Quote:
I guess its all about how well done the Captcha is.
What if you just asked to klick on the wounded monster on a picture?
No bot can recognzie a wounded monster
Sure it will once it's taught how to tell the difference. Unless you are talking about completely random pictures, with random questions, that never repeat, the Captcha won't work. If not as I just decribed, it's simple enough to build a database of all the possible pictures, the possible questions per picture, and the correct answer.