
Possible way to stop baal runs.... Maybe

Well after playing D2 on and off for the past 2 years i am praying that D3 does not rely on Baal runs for Leveling or drops.

I was thinking and EVE online has an incredible system to spread players throughout the universe..

It works on the idea that if too many players are in 1 area rewards will diminish accordingly... I think this would stop people from over farming "the most effective bosses" and explore .

Example :

if Less than 1% of players who are online are in an area, they recieve 20% extra EXP and drops.

If more than 15% of players are in an area they will recieve a 40% penalty to EXP and drop rates.

If more than 33% of players are in the an area 80% penalty.

Areas are not Chapters btw, just specific Dungeons and such. Ex: Worldstone

This may not be viable to implicate instantly because at release most players will be traveling at a steady pace and grouped together...

maybe only implicate it after a week or 2??? or only in NM and Hell???

Just my take on what could halt repetitive farming..

So many advantagous to this system.

Feel free to comment

KnS|||Some of us have been discussing this exact issue for the past few days in the Diablo 3 General Discussion forum. Hope you don't mind, but I just quoted your post in that thread; you can catch up on it here.|||thanks , some nice suggestions in that thread too.

Might keep up to date with that|||This would require resources though which is what the subs pays for in MMOs and Im sure it would require much more logging as ARPGs are faster paced and have smaller areas than MMOs.

Heres an Idea which would just be saved with your character.All areas have a equal bonus but as you play in an area its bonus gradually decreases and gets shared amongst the othe areas.The bonus would be such that not everyone would care to explore areas and tolerate the reduced bonus but those that did explore would be rewarded.|||I can't say I agree or Disagree with you as this would require me to put more thought into it than I feel like atm after writing for 45 minutes here http://diablo.incgamers.com/forums/s...43#post7183343

But this won't happen

1. They have stated they want Co-Op play this goes against Co-Op play(they being designers)

2. This makes no sense in an ARPG environment where the max people in a game is 5-8(somewhere in there we expect max to be)

3. As far as farming "the most effective boss" this goes 2 ways, 1 is a leveling view which then goes against leveling as a group so solo play, 2nd is where the farming of the boss as a solo player because essentially the thought is if you are soloing it, your chances of better drops can increase by 20-80%

So essentially your hardcore players "like those who define me as this" who often times like solo play(because god knows when you have to rely on someone to take a bullet for you, don't rely on it), will benefit quite greatly from this kind of system, while this puts down the casual player or less hardcore, as they tend to want to be in a party because its either cheaper (less pots etc etc) EASIER(which obviously it is), or the interactive part of it.

