The manuals of the previous games were splendid, especially the original Diablo manual with much lore and Diablo history. I�d want the Diablo III manual to cover "the lost years" between D2 and D3. The stories of what happend to the other heroes from both D1 and D2 and other all other intresting stuff blizzard can come up with
I hope for an early collectors edition so i do�nt have to wait for it or buy both the original version and then the collectors edition. It would be great if they could release them at the same time.|||They usually do release them at the same time. I still have my D&D game and my Diablo 2 cinematics DVD from the collector's edition.
I'll be buying both. One for me and one for the wife.|||your wife plays?? how lovely|||We used to play WoW together but I quit. She didn't play a lot of D2 because I think she was so used to WoW.
I'm looking forward to seeing what is in the collector's, but knowing blizzard, it'll be good. They usually have some pretty cool stuff in there.|||and the price for the collector�s edition, what�s the usual price? Plus 100% of the normal price?|||And what about a battle chest, Blizzard loves those boxes, will there be a Diablo III Battle Chest incuding THICK Brady Games Strategy Guides plus all the previous Diablo games, what are your thoughts on this package?|||Quote:
and the price for the collector�s edition, what�s the usual price? Plus 100% of the normal price?
Man I can't remember. I bought that thing like ten years ago.
To ballpark it, I want to say that it was $60-70 USD.|||Yeah, mine was about 50-60 USD. I think Blizzard will end up releasing a battle chest, cause like you said....they love those dang boxes.