To give a background of myself, I played D2 ever since late 1.08, around 2000. I leveled every character in the game and experienced all monster and pvp based content that the game had to offer. I played it heavily until 2005 when I switched to WoW, where I also fully immersed myself in both PvP and PvE. I raided all the content that was available while I played and also found time to grind out and organize pvp/arena. I experienced both games to the fullest.
Here are my suggestions pertaining to Diablo 3 Development:
1. Are there any other methods of closing ground planned for the Monk? The barbarian has leap and the wizard has teleport to get away and get closer. I know the monk has Seven sided strike, which looks like it causes the character to teleport onto an enemy. But will there be something that doesn't rely on an enemy to be there? Perhaps a reverse effect where the monk, if in danger, can teleport to a party member in the back.
2. The Barbarian has Bloodthirst to somewhat heal himself. We're all eagerly awaiting the fifth class, but how will the monk keep up in health regeneration? Diablo 2 didn't have a serious (well-played) healer. There was maybe 1-3 medic paladins for the thousands of games I played in the 5-8 years I played. I don't think that will change, Diablo players don't usually like to heal, or be pigeon-holed into the "why don't you just heal?" role like hybrids did in early WoW.
3. I also want to see what the female monks are going to look like
4. I noticed staves and fist weapons seemed like a focus for the monk. How about maces? Are the fists going to be more designed like claws or like powerful gauntlets? I'm more favorable of the latter, as the last time I remember there being powerful gauntlets used as a weapon in a game was Heretic: Shadows of the Serpent Riders. That game was full of interesting weapons that I was sad not to see return.
5. This one is important: What is the map going to look like?. Personally I thought the D2 map was ridiculous and I hope that if there's one thing that other RPGs and MMOs had was a good map. I really like maps and being able to know where I am going. Sure, I got around to memorizing the commonly played areas in D2 but that took several years of playing. Is there going to be an ability that allows you to track enemies on the map or anything like that?
6. Another important one: The loot system, handled

7. That brings me to in-game currency. D2 had a huge item-trading market and it was a very fun element of the game. When I was playing a melee druid and had a caster druid friend, we could easily swap stuff we found because we didn't use the same stuff. However, if certain items were much rarer, that brought up the subject of currency. Whether it was charms, rings, or less rare items, it was still annoying having to keep up with the currency that everyone wanted. The in-game gold was pretty useless, you could only use it for gambling, repairing, and buying the occasional potion or scroll. Will Diablo 3 have a better in-game currency system for trading with friends? Will gold be actually worth anything?
8. Will town portal scrolls return?
9. ID scrolls? Do items come identified or not?
10. I noticed someone mentioned some items were Bind on Equipped. This was sometimes nice in WoW, but why would it be necessary in D2? One of the nice things in D2 was if you found an upgrade, you could trade your old gear, or hand it down to a new character or a friend.
11. The friend list. Please make it bigger. In most of my D2-playing days I had to keep a rule about my friend list that was pretty ridiculous: If I didn't know your First name, and if you didn't log on within a week, you were removed. That's how short the friends list was then. Any news about the social interface with Diablo 3?
12. I'll admit it, for a little bit on Diablo 2 I used Maphack; a lot of people did. At one point a few friends got banned so I stopped and stayed vanilla for about 2 years until I moved on to WoW. To my amazement, WoW supported using 3rd party designed elements and addons! I didn't want to believe it at first, accusing my friends of cheating. Eventually I tried one out and saw what everyone liked about it. By the end of my wow playing days I was an addon guru. I made guides for them for my guilds and friends, I made addon packs, I constantly tweaked my UI. Can we get a UI crash-course for Diablo 3 before release and how well will input/feedback be received? Will addons be encouraged or get you banned? Will certain things that people are going to want addons for be thought about and implemented so we don't have to worry about getting banned?
13. Any ideas about a beta?
I think I'll end on that note for now. I hope I didn't ask anything that was answered simply somewhere else. I've been browsing around a good bit but I'll be accountable for missing something if I did. Thanks for finally developing the most anticipated game for me in years!|||Quote:
Another important one: The loot system. I for one hated the loot system on D2. It was fine in single player or by yourself because there was nobody there to nab up what you fought for. But it was gross when you were grouped with "regulars" and at the end fight, everyone scrounged for the drops like greedy madmen. Often times you didn't even have the opportunity to see what dropped, let alone have a shot at it. Plus if someone leeched XP during the whole game they could still run up and take the loot at the end. I loved the sounds that things made when they dropped but I didn't like how it was just a free for all.
All drops are your own at this point. All items that drop via mobs are split between the characters playing, and each person gets his own drops. No-one can see your drops or take them unless you pick them up and drop them.
Side note: You could have just stated that you played D2 and WoW for a good amount of time. Boasting about your in-game statistics and uber gear won't increase the value of your opinions, at least from me.|||Oh that's clever. I like that. What determines your drops when you're fighting together? Does the same mob drop 3 different things if you're questing in a party of three?
I was just giving examples for the extent that I played but I appreciate your suggestion. I at least thought to format it so everyone knew "this is the experience paragraph," but I imagine if people want to know my background they can ask. I'll edit that out

5. This one is important: What is the map going to look like?. Personally I thought the D2 map was ridiculous and I hope that if there's one thing that other RPGs and MMOs had was a good map. I really like maps and being able to know where I am going. Sure, I got around to memorizing the commonly played areas in D2 but that took several years of playing. Is there going to be an ability that allows you to track enemies on the map or anything like that?
Bashiok ever said maps in D3 will be Arcane Sanctuary 2.0, he didn't go into details but I'm reckoning it will apply to dungeons leading to Bosses, to tone down on Boss farming.
About tracking enemies on the map, I don't see a point, you can see enemies on your screen, why would you want them on the map? It would be hella messy anyway. I believed it should be like D2, you can track other players or party members as well as NPCs, and that's about it.
7. That brings me to in-game currency. D2 had a huge item-trading market and it was a very fun element of the game. When I was playing a melee druid and had a caster druid friend, we could easily swap stuff we found because we didn't use the same stuff. However, if certain items were much rarer, that brought up the subject of currency. Whether it was charms, rings, or less rare items, it was still annoying having to keep up with the currency that everyone wanted. The in-game gold was pretty useless, you could only use it for gambling, repairing, and buying the occasional potion or scroll. Will Diablo 3 have a better in-game currency system for trading with friends? Will gold be actually worth anything?
Blizzard hasn't gone into details about how they're gonna make gold valuable but Bashiok has mentioned several examples they might apply into the game. There are many many ways to make gold valuable.
But yes, gold is confirmed to be the main currency in the game.
8. Will town portal scrolls return?
Yes, remember we saw a town portal in the first demo, the one with the WD and Barbarian. But Blizzard mentioned that they didn't want D3 to follow D2's TP-abuse footsteps, so it would be toned down/limited. But still no official news about it yet.
10. I noticed someone mentioned some items were Bind on Equipped. This was sometimes nice in WoW, but why would it be necessary in D2? One of the nice things in D2 was if you found an upgrade, you could trade your old gear, or hand it down to a new character or a friend.
High end gear will be BoE, that has been confirmed.
Pros > Cons, always keep this in mind.
11. The friend list. Please make it bigger. In most of my D2-playing days I had to keep a rule about my friend list that was pretty ridiculous: If I didn't know your First name, and if you didn't log on within a week, you were removed. That's how short the friends list was then. Any news about the social interface with Diablo 3?
13. Any ideas about a beta?