Now if the "pick up all" was customizable, then sure. set it to grab rares, uniques, jewels, elixirs, runes, etc. that's the sort of feature the game should have, if not from the devs than by a fan-made UI mod. (That sort of thing was cheating in D2, since everyone was competing for the same items, but in D3 with individual drops, I don't see any real objection?)
I agree with this. I think it should be an optional addition for players if they wish to use it.
I personally wouldnt use it, but im sure a lot of players would.|||And what if I have a pick all, and someone drops a lot of crappy rare just before boss dies? Will it fill my bags so I cant loot the boss untill I have got rid of the junk again?
To choose what to pick up is a nice part of the game, even when the drop is for your eyes only.
But sure, if i can disable it or set some filters it might work. Maybe I dont want to pick up automaticaly, just set a filter to see what has dropped without pressing "Tab" key. And then press Tab to see the rest? Endless of options

I'd say some version of this is a must-have in this day and age.
Another popular option that I would also like to see in D2 is some way to sell trash from your pack (without a vendor) for a reduced amount of gold. Dungeon Siege had a transmute spell that turned items into gold; Sacred 2 has a purse icon in your inventory where you can drag stuff and drop it. You still get more from carting your stuff into town, but you can save a lil time and get something out of the white trash. Anything that reduces the need for town visits is a good thing imo.|||Auto-pickup all combined with an instant auto-drop.
(I do not like the idea of not seeing what drops so I would like this feature to be turned on for me when playing with friends to help them out with finding gear)|||This will be very useful for picking up the hundreds of gold piles dropping everywhere in some areas...
Also, there needs to be a drop-all button from inventory (not what you're wearing) and transfer all to or form stash. This will really help for moving around/trading lots of small items like pgems, runes etc.|||Quote:
I agree with this. I think it should be an optional addition for players if they wish to use it.
I personally wouldnt use it, but im sure a lot of players would.
I understand that gear will be made into 'personalized drops' but what about generic items like potions, gold, runes etc. Will all of those also be personalized drops or a free for all?