[:1]I'm sure there are third-party ones for Diablo II (I saw something about Adria when searching on Google) but regardless...
Something I think Diablo 3 will *need* to support community would be an offline (i.e. "out of game") website that allows users to browse their inventory. Think of the WoW armory, but instead of showing off your character sheet (which sure, that's cool too) you can browse your bags/stash. And a "download to excel" feature would be huge.
I've recently got back into playing D2 w/ a friend and we're finding soooo many uniques. In typical D2 fashion, we create mules to hold all these uniques for future use. However keeping that inventory is not only tedious, but it's also problematic to "share" back and forth (at least for discussion purposes).
So wouldn't it be nice, if I could go to a diablo-like armory and allow myself (and my friend [and in theory, all guild/clan-mates if that were the case]) to browse all the loot. Especially if I could then search on it, and apply filters to the inventory. This would *greatly* encourage communities to form clans and "keep loot within the family" so to speak (which would help build really strong clan intra-relations.
So it's sorta the online visuals of the WoW armory + the searching and filter-ability of wowhead.com (using just my clan's inventory as the searchable data).
-Floydman|||It's nothing fancy, but I always keep a txt document of my extra gear. I can't do useful filters or advanced searches like you propose though.
I'd like it, but still have it tied in with BNet. Even when out of a game, are you still talking about in a channel, or at least char select screen? I imagine that's where something like this would go.|||Exactly. I predict many folks have their own methods of managing their inventory in their own way (all the way from keeping simple excel spreadsheets all the way up to developing fancy third-party tools to do so). However, I see this as something Blizz would want to address. While I'm offline, I could see huge value in being able to go to a BNet supported website that allows me to search/share/show off my collected gear. This is especially important in Diablo (moreso than in WoW, for example) since no items are going to be "bound" to your character in any way (just like D2). Otherwise, if something like this is *not* supported for D3, then again, every player will be doing this in their own custom (and typically arduous) way that is a pain in the butt to share with clanmates/friends.
If D3 truely is a 'traders game' I think a formal/polished tool supported by blizz is the way to go here.
I'm sure they will come up with their own design, but for an 'idea' of what I'm talking about, try checking out www.wowhead.com. This site allows users to search, compare and apply very very clever filters to an inventory of items/spells/talents etc... (but for WoW, not diablo). For me, this is a great tool to use to research stuff while i'm out of the actual game. However, for diablo - this is where it would become *crucial* - image if the "data" or "inventory" that backed this search engine was defined by the accumulated loot a given player (or account perhaps?) has (rather than the entire loot table available to the entire game). Then, players could band together in "clans" and then perhaps have some way to "compile" all that data together in a seemless/simple way.
This would be extremely handy for supporting a strong diablo community for D3. If I was in a D3 clan with, say, 10 friends, I would have the ability to see that PersonX just found an item last night that I could use. Then, the next time we connect up (probably in-game) I could trade (or borrow) that item. I would predict/expect players to be more forthcoming/willing to swap/lend items with clanmates before taking the item and putting it out there on the open market.
I have recently re-picked up Diablo2 (for the 100th time) with my long-time gaming friend. We're currently playing through the game and collecting a TON of uniques (we're both sorcs w/ as much MF as we can muster ). All these uniques are muled onto "dummy" characters that I've created. However, a) it's hard to even remember what loot we have (or which character it's saved on) and b) my friend has no way to see what loot we've been storing (should he want to inspect it or even request to use some for alts, etc...)
Even when out of a game, are you still talking about in a channel, or at least char select screen? I imagine that's where something like this would go.
For me, I'm specifically looking for a web-based app (and extra credit if blizz can make an ipod app for browsing it as well).
-Floydman|||I like this idea, especially if we can do web based trading.|||Agreed, I don't see why such a feature is *not* feasible. Esp. given that WoW players can trade on the AH out of game now. I really think this will help build strong clan-communities.
-Floyd|||You know what I would absolutely love to see? Some kind of Phone App that you can manage your inventory with.
That way when youre away from your computer, say in class or at work, you can combine gems or craft items with materials you collected earlier that day.
That would be freaken sweet, and that way when youre out you can look popular by always being on your phone and people will think youre texting your million girlfriends or something.|||I think iphone apps would be great. However, I predict (at least for starters) that Blizz would do read-only types of things. For example, WoW has an app for the WoWArmory which is an app that allows ppl to peruse character sheets on their iPhone. So I could see blizz doing something like that right away. However, having apps that allowed you to alter stuff in-game is [possibly] a whole nuther story. While it's awesome (no doubt) I think they will want to keep "write" actions to a minimum [if any]. Providing read-access to view stuff should be pretty straight forward tho. But I could be wrong .
-Floyd|||Fantastic idea but unfortunately it would most likely make it in as a pay to play feature, which would be a huge mistake of Blizz imo. I think web / phone based trading would keep tons of people interested in the game and even be free constant marketing for them . . imagine all the people that would log in from random places just to check in on their stuff.|||w00t! I called it. Crystal Ball FTW
-Floydman|||Good Call Floyd! Also keep in mind Lucryd and Floyd, if you didnt know already, Wow also has a Remote Auction House. This app on Mobile phones lets you track, watch, buy and sell items on the Auction house IN GAME via your phone...paid of course.