In Diablo 2 when you die in hardcore your character dies forever. My idea is when you die in Diablo 3 in Hardcore mode you can play again with that character but after 2 weeks or so on. Please, don't reply to this right after you read this, read the rest of my idea first. In addition to this the character could recieve some penalties. Great exp loss, items loss or something more hardcore. And another adition to this hardcore style is that when you die with your main character you can create another and play with the new one while waiting your main one to ressurect. This way you can feel the thrill in Hardcore mode with more or all of the characters in the game.
Thanks and

The whole point is to "realistically" lose your character when you die. When I play Diablo 3 Harcore, I want the risk to be at maximum.|||Yes, please do not tune down HC. That would defeat the purpose.|||Hardcore = one life, one chance only. Basta!
Ofc you should never be able to continue in hc mode when the char dies. But you should be able to take that dead character to softcore and continue there with all the items you have found (excep the hardcore mode only items.)
I suggest that after you die in hardcore, you will have an option to ressurect in softcore but keep your hard earned hardcore title!
That way a lot of players would try hardcore because the items and time is not wasted if you can continue in softcore

The wasted items/hours if you die in hardcore is what made me only try hardcore a few times.
To let dead players ress in softcore will not be a nerf of hardcore, just more players that try hc, and more honor for those who master it!|||Hardcore in D2 was fine it should be brought to D3 exactly the way it is no changes whatsoever, remembering my old d2 hc accounts tons of 99's before 1.10 release when cowfarming / boosting / low lvl hc pvp / pk'ing / etc..etc.. those things is the thrill you play for on hardcore you have NO WAY OUT! death = death start over and try harder or fail forever in the softycore.