
Fine tuning Inferno

[:1]Personally, I like the Inferno concept as 1 facet of endgame device for item finding. I hope that it is suitably insanely difficult, perhaps requiring at least great hell gear and party to stand a chance. I seriously doubt the difficulty can be balanced to be both very challenging to a lone player and a whole party alike, or from decent versus top tier gear on top of that. With that in mind I'd prefer the difficulty level to hover on the upper end, perhaps just barely in range for a solo player with top-tier gear to attempt.

Back onto the main topic, seeing as the intent of the dev team is to have players being able to choose more areas to play via homogenizing all areas (particularly loots and difficulty) in Inferno, I think it's clear there must be more in their bag to achieve this, otherwise min-maxers will always find the optimum path as there will always be some sort of difference say in monster type/behavior and the player character strength/weakness matchup. Over-homogenizing might also do more harm then not. I'm sure the dev team has other mechanics in mind.

So, what might some of these devices be and why you think it's good? I'll toss out some to start. On a somewhat unrelated note, what other ideas might breathe life to inferno and make it more interesting? (For example like like uberquest, siege ...etc).

-Accumulated MF bonus on monsters killed in a specific act:

For certain number of monsters killed and say quest completed in a specific act (and whatever else makes sense), you accumulate more and more MF bonus, which disappears when you a) leave game, b) leave the Act and maybe c) return to town. Ideally you'd go through a whole Act and pop the boss with the max MF bonus. MF bonus will decay from things like time (especially the higher the MF bonus is) and returning to town for example (I thought about damage taken, but doesn't seem like a good idea). Pushing for a higher pace in a super difficult environment for great reward really appeals to me, and especially in a good party of friends I can envision this as pretty exciting, especially in hardcore which I play exclusively.

A stick approach could complement or replace the carrot approach above in the opposite direction, though personally I prefer carrots by itself.

-Inferno Quest

Long Quests that require you to visit multiple randomly chosen areas(and acts) with randomized objective to complete, with a suitably enticing reward to make it more then worthwhile. JIt doesn't sound exciting to me either but I put it here as an example of devices that will further encourage players to spread out their farming grounds.|||i thought there was already going to be random quests/dungeons in inferno like any other difficulty or am i dreaming :E and if so then i think we will have lots to keep us busy. I know that i do not want to see daily's in diablo3

