[:1]Doesnt anyone of the players here feel kinda disgusted by the enemy spiders or bugs in the game. I mean in D2 we had gross spiders and giant bugs (maggot). Why not remove these enemies in D3 and make some new kinds of monsters instead of insects and other nasty creatures. The only reason I dont wanna play D2 now is that I have to kill all those nasty spiders and bugs in the game and I cant skip so much quests in the game if I dont want to fight them.|||Naah
I love to squish those damn bugs in D2 and i see no reason why they wouldn't come back. Insects are confirmed to be in the game judging by this video BTW
On a serious note: It should make you happy, crushing them underneath your massive steel boot of power. >_>|||Do you also whine about the prices on tampons?|||One of the funniest threads ever lol, well done.|||For some reason it reminds me of the chick that was afraid of pickles on the Maury show.
But to stay on topic, Act II was probably my flavorite and I loved crushing those maggots with my heavy mace, so I hope there will be similar creatures in D3 (and i"m sure it will be the case).|||I love killing the spiders and watching them ooze all over. Mainly because I hate spiders. I will admit though, one creature I could do without are the Locust Swarms...man those things tick me off :P|||Quote:
Do you also whine about the prices on tampons?
hahahahahaha thank you, this made me LOL hard, was thinking about making a remark in the same direction lol |||Im just saying that seeing this things on the screen makes me shiver. They are gross.|||The only reason I would agree is because of the opposite reason. I don't find the bugs scary at all. Spiders are okay probably because i have a slight arachnophobia, but anything else I just don't feel threatened.
Walking skeletons look dangerous
Fire spewing demon ladies look dangerous
Dung beetles and mosquitoes, not so much.