A inface showing all your charaters what they have on and there inventory beside.
You can in this view move your items around from charater to charater what you have in there inventory and what they wearing. Easy, simple.
No making a game to do this. No losing items becouse the game crashed ect.
Saves alot of games made just for this.

Maybe place it as a page 2 where you select your charater to play with.
So you will have a Charater page and a inventory page.

You dont know how much time i spend on moving items around my charaters and i lose alot when the game crashes and cant get back in.
If they make this..omg..wow.. one of the biggest new feature

I'd prefer a shared stash over some separate page which is only reachable when not currently in a game (from what I read, that''s the suggestion. If I'm misunderstanding, please say so).|||Yeah I think even a shared stash, even if you can't see whats on another character would be a great feature, but I'd go with any system that stopped the need for so much muleing.