So what are some suggestions you guys believe would make gold more useful? If you DON'T want gold to have anymore uses than repair and buying potions then please don't post there.
These are a few of mines:
-Make it possible to obtain sets/uniques from gambling.
-Have special items that can only be obtained through buying with gold (runes, swords, armor, etc)|||1)A number of smitheries to be available throughout the world where players could order custom weapons and armour with qualities they wish for great amount of pay , dependent of the qualities.
2)Pet-shops with various combat pets to be available.
3)Taverns with various drinks/elixirs to be available for price.
4)Multiple various mercenaries to be available to accompany you at the same time for dayly/weekly/monthly pay.
5)Gambling in various activities with other players to be available.
6)Pocket-picking to be possible.
7)Hidden (burried) treasures to be spread throughout the world.
8)Banks to be available where you can stash your money without risk of losing it.
9)Change bureaus to be available where you can exchange your gold for real-world stuff.|||Quote:
I know the most sure-fire way of making gold worth something:
Make it so that players have to pay 10k everytime they do a boss-run. They could just make the drop-rate equivalent of Mephisto, Pindle and Baal in D3 only be accessible through paying to fight them (like in a colloseum or something). That way in order to find items (do runs) you'd need a good supply of gold. It'll also control magic-finding because people wont just be able to do MF runs... they'd have to do gold-runs too.
No offense, that simply wouldn't work. Say, in the real world, you would ever make people have to pay a fee everytime they want to have a walk in the park, they wish to date a boy/girl, ride your skateboard or do some other thing they do for fun.
Having gold worth something is not about saying "Hey, do you want to have a boss-run? Then have a gold-run first!", it's rather about making it more usefull.
In D2, boss runs are so popular because its the funniest, enjoyable and most rewarding thing you can do in the game. In late/end-game thats expecially true.
Can you imagine blizard implementing the feature you propose in D2, and still have a solid playerbase?
One thing that made gold pretty useless in D2 is the fact you really can play the game without ever buying anything. You obtain almost all you need from monster drops. Repairing your stuff is cheap enought the devs could have made it free without changing the game economy in any noticeable way. The same goes for pots and ammos (arrows, bolts, throwable weapons).
The only thing you could seriously need more money for is rezzing you merch, if you let him die a lot.
Finally, Gambling is the most (and only, sic!) exciting thing you can put your gold into.
Clearly, when the game was designed, Blizzard North never thought at it as something that would be used in trading, they wanted the economy (when it comes to player trades) to revolve around bartering. And that was very good to me.
Now that the devs want gold to be something you'd really want to trade your stuff for, that really means the player should have meaningful ways to spend money.
First, the item market should be a viable option for you to buy what you need, was it in the form of the AH or simply NPC having a wider stock of goods to sell. I won't go into the specifics of what should be available for purchase tough.
The real reson players rarelly buy their equipment from NPC is, if you're searching for something specifc, given what they sell is randomly generated ( the amount of modifiers is so huge), the odds you'll find a close match are sooo low.
So my first thought is, make monster drops the only possible way to find very good equipment, but still make it very quick and easy for players to shop for it if they need a boost to their resitance/defence/damage/hit-rate/whatever.
Say, if you need an item with cold resistance/no freeze to kick Duriel's fatty ***, you really don't want to waste your time in finding a player who can offer you a good trade. Poor example maybe, but you should have got what I mean.
What's next? NPC should offer more services (which makes sense) for a little fee.
Comes to my mind, customization options. Say you can go to the blacksmith and have him paint your equipment. You found that rare exceptional rare breastplate, but it's green, and you hate green so go to the bllacksmith, pay a little cash, and ask him to paint it <put you fav colour here>.
What If, after you saved Anya, she was able to put your name on an item for a fee? That was something people would have been glad to hand their gold for.
Last thing I think could make gold a convenient mean to have trades is a well thought crafting system.
The horadric cube was great, yet the single most usefull thing it did for you was giving you those 5 extra inventory slots.
You can use it to upgrade your gems and runes (which in the end leads to more bartering), you can upgrade your equipment, and of curse there are a lot of usefull recipes, but still you can come up with something better, when it comes to a crafting system (more control, more variety).
Making crafting your equipment (at least part of it) a more accessible and viable option would lead to an arised need of crafting items (and I'm not referring to the insanelly rare stuff here), which would make more people go hunt/gather them for their own use or for a profit, which would make money a better way to exchange stuff in an effortless way.
Of course you can come up with a tons of other ideas, but I do think those are the main areas the devs can work in a way they make the game better and give more value to gold at the same time.
Thoughts and comments are welcome|||Ok..... here is what we are going to do with our money.
We going to use it as ammo, instead of mana we are going to run off money you have to buy your spells if you want to use them.
But of course if that dosnt work we can always use it for more practical reasons. Like expanding our stash amount, or how bout adding a socket to an item or haveing gems removed. Or allowing areas where you have to say pay a guard to let you into a restricted zone.
But still i really think a better idea would be just taking all that money that was thrown away cause were bored and just killing each other with it.|||@Tammerhime
I do like the idea of increasing stash size with gold as well as removing socket items

-Make potions purchasable .. but very expensive.
-Gambling shop for items (that's a given i guess but still does need some revamping)
-Weapon and items crafting and customization can be an excellent gold sink
-Increasing the stash and inventory sizes
-Hiring and customizing mercs
Extra suggestions (involve things not currently in the game)
-A survivial mode in which you fight increasingly crazy combinations of monsters with very tough modifiers nonstop .. all items you obtain are gone if you die .. but if you want to exit with them you pay a insane huge gold fee.
-A pseudo-Auction house ... you can leave a sort of note for all players to see on your realm wether you are online or offline .. whenever a player enters a trading town (small instance made specially for trade) he can check your note and all notes of other players ... you can pay more gold to increase the number of notes you can leave regarding items you want to trade.
-entering the an arena for PVP should have some fee .. and there could be betting (with in-game gold of course).
There could be more ideas to make gold valuable and a good game currency but that's enough for now.|||I don't want to type out the entire system but I hope they blatantly steal the gold-based item upgrade system from Hellgate: London. It was absolutely awesome in every way.
Mix this with making uniques semi-random as well, and you will have a HUGE gold sink.
People would buy a unique from another player, but they'd want to put another modifier on it or improve the item itself, so they'd bring it to this machine and pay a very, very large sum of money to do it. Then, if they weren't happy, they'd sell it or toss it.
There are a lot of min-maxers out there who would absolutely go nuts over this once they actually used it.
I also like the "buy inventory space" idea. I hope they do that. Make it super expensive.
Someone mentioned personalizing equipment - excellent idea. People love that. They use it whenever they can. It also attaches you more to your character, which is important too.
Hefty gold fee whenever you die would help, too. If gold was valuable, you'd really not want to lose any, so it would also be an incentive to step up your game a bit and improve your skills.|||Quote:
I know the most sure-fire way of making gold worth something:
Make it so that players have to pay 10k everytime they do a boss-run. They could just make the drop-rate equivalent of Mephisto, Pindle and Baal in D3 only be accessible through paying to fight them (like in a colloseum or something). That way in order to find items (do runs) you'd need a good supply of gold. It'll also control magic-finding because people wont just be able to do MF runs... they'd have to do gold-runs too.
Instead make it an Arena that has ever harder enemies and it costs more each level.DS2 has this and some other games Ive played.You could get a reward up to a certain difficulty then just some certificate of accomplisment(bound to your char).|||In addition to the old ones - buying and repairing item - there are some pretty simple ones that seem to be overlooked here:
1) Improvements on item modifiers/stats: You could go to the appropriate NPC and have, say, the max damage of your sword increased by two. Every time you do this to the same item and same modifier/stat on that item it costs you, for example, 1.5 times as much as the last time. Perhaps there would even be a cap to the number of times you could do this. This way, the very best weapon drop in the game can be made even better. This would be a great gold sink, especially given all the modifiers we have seen on items in the past: attack rating, defence, magic/elemental/physical damage, magic/elemental/physical resistance, improving the base item (from say a simple cap to a shako), socketing and unsocketing, and, the biggie, any of the various skill modifiers.
2) You could do something similar to the aforesaid for player stats/skills, but this seems a bit powerful so it would have to be very costly and, again exponential (if not capped).
3) Since Bashiok mentioned there will be two skill levelling dynamics now 1) levelling the skill, 2) raising the skill-level cap, originally at 5, but able to be increased to 15 - we might be paying raise the skill level cap.
4) You could set up a loan system, though this sounds iffy. Players could take on loan, say, 10% of their worth (average going price for all equipment in an auction house) and be forced to pay it back with a little interest. I think this idea might be better for a MMORPG, though.
5) If there are D2-style mercs, then, as suggested above, they could have a recurring fee, either set up to deduct automatically from the gold you find or to be paid periodically. I think they ought to give the player the choice between these two, as players who do not play a whole lot might find it cheaper just to give a percent of their findings to the merc. Also, the merc's pay ought to increase with his level.
I can't really think of any other viable sinks. Paying for skill usage or to do runs makes the game not fun; there is nothing cool about finding gold to go play. On the other hand, paying for improvements, be it in items stats, char stats or merc help is fun and adds value to gold so that it can be used for something else that is also fun: using it to trade for new items.|||Hmm I think its going to be very difficult to make gold a viable all around currency. Items wont become soulbound, and when the most l33t and rare items drop you're not gonna want to sell it for gold so you can ress your merc and repair your gear and buy potions etc, youre going to want to trade it for another l33t rare item you can use yourself.
Gambling should be tweaked, but its a very fun feature. Repair costs should be substantial for items that are really good.