
Better skill description system is needed

[:1]Diablo is really a pretty simple game. But it seems confusing at first, largely because skill descriptions and item descriptions are often vague or have changed with patches.


Cathan's ring

* 6% life stolen per hit

* damage reduced by 2

The newbie who just got Diablo says to himself: "Oh hey! A green ring! Uhhh...what does "life stolen" mean?? Okay, it's 6%, but 6% of...what? 6% of my life bulb fills up? 6% of the monster's life goes to me? And damage--ALL damage, or physical, or what?"

For the sake of clarity, I'd like Blizzard to include some sort of "Tell Me More..." button.

You click on it, and a window pops out, with plenty of room for a wordy, in-depth description. Going back to the Cathan's example, Blizzard can now have a couple paragraphs to discuss how it's 6% of physical damage dealt, elemental doesn't count, physically resistant monsters reduce actual damage and thus life steal, and oh yeah, ever since D3 patch 1.05, the total amount of leech you can have is capped at 10%.

And so there you have the info right at your fingertips. The info is just a text file somewhere, easily editable by Blizzard. For some of the more complex things like attack speed, hmm...it could alternately take you to their website where they have all the charts and tables and calculators.|||Yeah, they really need to do this.

There is one thing though I disagree with: I'm hoping your hypothetical example with the d3 patch change won't happen. Leech should not be capped at 10% in a later patch. Blizzard should have the smarts by now to know beforehand that leech might become an exploit, so they should get it right the first time. If they suddenly cap it at 10% (for example) then your chr can technically be wearing 15% life leech with combined gear...yet it is only REALLY counted as 10%. Thus, we are being lied to.

Likewise, I don't like how mf is lying to us after 10% mf. There should BE no diminishing return formula. If your chr is wearing 110 mf, then your chances to find a mf item should be increased by 110. All they need to do is make smaller mf mods on the items in the first place. That's if they have mf in the game. It's just an example.

So for you example, the patch could make it so that we can't even put on the leech ring if we already have 10% leech. That would be OK imo, but the best thing to do is render leech unexploitable in the first place. Just make leech items so rare that it is really hard to get 10%, or 10% is the max you'll ever get with any combo of gear. Blizzard needs to look ahead and quit tinkering around with later ptches. Imo, patches should idealy be for fixing glitches and making duping harder/impossible. This would demonstrate a great original game design, though I imagine it must be hard to do....|||I also like this idea. The arreat summit website is fine but your way would definatly be better.|||Yeah - good idea here. To simplify it further (and mean less bulk work from Blizzard), there could be general descriptors of each mod (i.e. life leech, mana leech, +def, piercing strike, etc), and your "tell me more" for a specific item would give you the spiel on each mod.|||Someone mentioned having a built-in arreat summit type resource, but you'd only get information on mods/items/monsters that you've encountered/seen/slain. That way the players could look up the specifics in some tome or through some NPC that is "wise in the ways of enchantment". Having these things explained without breaking the story or feel would be nice, something that alt-tabbing to arreat doesn't really do well.

A counter point to this is: part of the fun is learning how things work, and how effective leech is/isn't and the like. However certain things like IAS breakpoints and the like should be rethought entirely. I'd like the vast majority of magical mods to be more or less self explanatory (have speed increases by frames rather than %, and have the resulting change in damage-per-second on the character sheet, have "6% life leech (capped at 25%)", these kinds of things).

I like the build-as-you-go resource idea because it's more interesting in my opinion to see items drop and see a mod that you've never seen before. Though things like '% damage goes to mana' and other potentially confusing mods ought to be better explained, or changed.|||Yes, that would be an excellant function to have in D3.

I didn't know that leech was capped at 10%. I don't have time to play the game and go out to countless web pages to learn how to best play the game.|||this is great. it's like night of the living dead, except with old threads. fun to go back and read some of this later and see that we still don't have too many answers on anything. oh well. hopefully they get it right before release date.|||Quote:

Diablo is really a pretty simple game. But it seems confusing at first, largely because skill descriptions and item descriptions are often vague or have changed with patches.


Cathan's ring

* 6% life stolen per hit

* damage reduced by 2

The newbie who just got Diablo says to himself: "Oh hey! A green ring! Uhhh...what does "life stolen" mean?? Okay, it's 6%, but 6% of...what? 6% of my life bulb fills up? 6% of the monster's life goes to me? And damage--ALL damage, or physical, or what?"

For the sake of clarity, I'd like Blizzard to include some sort of "Tell Me More..." button.

You click on it, and a window pops out, with plenty of room for a wordy, in-depth description. Going back to the Cathan's example, Blizzard can now have a couple paragraphs to discuss how it's 6% of physical damage dealt, elemental doesn't count, physically resistant monsters reduce actual damage and thus life steal, and oh yeah, ever since D3 patch 1.05, the total amount of leech you can have is capped at 10%.

And so there you have the info right at your fingertips. The info is just a text file somewhere, easily editable by Blizzard. For some of the more complex things like attack speed, hmm...it could alternately take you to their website where they have all the charts and tables and calculators.

I think this is a MUST. One of Diablo 2 big failures is having to check Arreat Summit every time you need to know how something works, since item descriptions are, in most cases, almost meaningless when looking into detail.



Diablo is really a pretty simple game. But it seems confusing at first, largely because skill descriptions and item descriptions are often vague or have changed with patches.

--- snipe ---

Totally Agreed. In fact you don't need another button, just a mouse over like in other games.

Also this ties in with the who argument about newbies not knowing how to put the stats points. The new system doesn't address the problem as it is more complex. Instead, what they need to do is put in better explanation and description of what the stats/skill/charm/traits does then people can choose wisely.|||Quote:

The newbie who just got Diablo...

Maybe the newbies should read the manuals?

