
Be Your Own Developer -- Thoughts and Ideas

There are probably other threads out there like this, but I thought it would be cool to have a place where people could post what it is they would really like to see implemented in the game. Feel free to post whatever it is you would like to see in the game. Who knows if anyone from Blizz will see it, but it should be interesting to read everyone's uninhibited ideas to say the least -- i.e., what they would do if they were a developer.



That said, I will start:

(1) Side Quests: I want to see a plethora of highly rewarding side quests that are totally optional. One of the problems I thought was always inherent in DII was that it was so easy to just skip the game content and rush to Hell. I played WOW for a month before I quit because, like DII, low and mid level dungeons and instances were wholly ignored in favor of rushing to the highest level and going on raids.

If people want to rush to high levels and high level dungeons, that is fine, but make it so they would miss a whole heck of a lot of really rich and diverse game content with highly unique rewards by ignoring side quests. For example, maybe by taking the time to do a difficult side-quest would permanently increase your resistance to poison or would lower your mana cost for all plague skills by 5%. What I am saying is, I would make a lot of really challenging side quests that are totally optional, but with rewards that would almost be considered unique and highly desirable.

(2) Auction House With A Twist: I would really like to see a system for online gaming where you could place an item for sell or trade or barter. For example, if you were a WD and found a really great high-level, unique barbarian axe, you could just put it up in the auction house rather than trying to find a barbarian purchaser in chat.

In the auction house, you could open the item for bid in gold, or you could straight-up say that you are only willing to sell for, say, a certain high-level wand. If some Barbarian wanted the axe and had your wand, all they would have to do is give the wand to the auction house in exchange for the axe. They beauty is that the auction house did this for you...it didn't take any of your time to barter and trade. You found a great barbarian axe, you placed the axe in the online auction house, you told the auction house you would not be willing to sell the axe for gold and that you gave the auction house the instructions not to sell for anything other than a certain unique wand (or a list of rare items you needed), Barbarian has your wand and makes the trade without your having to be present. Next time you log-on with your WD, you see that the wand and not the axe in your inventory.

This would be awesome.

(3) Viability in Single-Player: I will admit that I am a HIGHLY casual gamer. I have not purchased a video game in several years now. I currently am not playing any game at the moment which is why I am on these forums.

It would be really cool if the casual gamer did not feel he or she was forced to play and trade on the ladder online. In Diablo II, you couldn't do this because the experience and item find worked the same way in single player and small LAN games as it did online.

If you didn�t play online in DII, you could never reach your full potential or get any real sweet items and armor unless you played online and traded with the online community. For online ladder play, high level and in-demand items must be incredibly rare and hard to find. However, in single player or LAN games, it makes no sense. Why should the singly players not online resign themselves to either: (1) never obtaining high-level items and never seeing 90% of the amazing items available to your character, (2) never winning hell mode, or (3) using an item editor. Why not just make it so items in single player or LAN games are MUCH easier to find? It makes no sense not to do this.

People who are buying and playing Diablo should not feel forced to play and trade online if they don't want to.

(4) Customizable Mercs: I LOVED the mercs in DII. They added a whole level of additional game-play and strategy to your character. For example, my favorite character was a necro and it was really cool to get an Act II merc aura involved with my minions.

I would love to see mercs in DIII. Like DII, I would love to equip them with items and armor. It would also be really cool if we could, on a limited basis, customize the skills of our mercs.

Just what I would do.

(5) Remaining Classes.

I think Blizz has done a great job with the classes so far. That said, here is what I would still like to see:

(a) A True Summoner Class: I know that we do not know if the WD is going to have multiple summons�but really I hope he does. I am not saying that I want to be able to create twenty skeletons and revives, but it would be really cool if there was a summon-type build available to the WD with more than just a few zombie dogs and a few types of summons. While I know a lot of people hate summoning classes, there are a few of us that crave watching our small army of death annihilate the forces of hell.

(b) A True Shape-Shifter Class (preferably a werewolf): I will be honest that one of the coolest things about Diablo II was the werewolf. I am not saying �bring back the druid,� I am just saying that it would be really cool to keep the werewolf somehow � even if you have to give it to another class.

(c) A Really Unique Ranged Class: There are so many options that could be made available with this one. One I thought of would be a raider � i.e., a desert-type marksman and hunter that can summon the powers of the burning sands to wreck havoc on his enemies.

Sample Skills: Vanish, mirage, Sun Scorch, Blazing Arrow, Sandstorm, Javelin of the sun, scorpion strike, etc.

Of course, as someone else said on these forums, there isnothing to say that the ranged character should only be a ranged character, but could also have melee abilities.

Just my thoughts.|||i put this in one liner ideas but ill throw something in for the sake of conversation, not in any order.

Community Chest a small chest that has say 6 slots in it at most, accessible for all characters in any 1 account allowing for safe muleing

More Lore snippets and scrolls, books etc in the game would be cool, no need to be overwhelming but peoples diary entries, letters, stories, local mythology,inscriptions on walls, etc would be nice to come across and listen to

Day Night im not sure if this has been covered , but a solid day night cycle would be nice (though i could see some game balance issues), perhaps even a little weather ....it rained in d2!!

PvP zone i dont pvp personally, but im sure those that do would like a bit of turf to scrap on.

Merc commands the ability to set a merc/pet to offensive or defensive or stay in town.. would be a god send

Potion Power throwing potions , should they exist in d3 ..should scale in power and effectiveness unlike d2 where they stopped packing any kind of punch around the end of normal.

Horadric Cube too awesome an item to ignore, storage + recipes and crafting

not much else is coming to mind currently

