There has been a great controversy about the color scheme and that some people like how its more colorful and looks like WoW and some wish it was dark and gritty and high contrast like in the old Diablo games.
I think there is a simple solution that I haven't heard anyone else point out
Why cant there be an option to just put a shader/filter that darkens color and increases contrast?
If any of you played Spore, there were console commands that made the display come out in sepia or even simulate 16-bit graphics. I don't see why Blizzard can't make a setting that will put it in "dark and gloomy mode" where the colors would just be darker and with higher contrast. It really shouldn't affect performance and it would make everybody happy.

Is there a reason why this cant be toggled from the options menu?|||That bottom screen looks awesome, except a bit hard to see.
This might not be a possibility, seeing as they would be unable to use dark environments. If say you were in some dark dungeon and you had the filter on, then you wouldn't be able to see a thing. So you go back into your options menu and adjust, then when you leave the dungeon you have to adjust back. We'll just have to trust blizzard to do the right thing in the end.
On a side note, does anyone else notice the rainbow in the top screenshot?|||I agree - the bottom pic looks awesome! I am a fan of dark environments / settings myself; so I am biased.|||Indeed, such a thing already exist in D2 to a certain extent. There's gamma and contrast. I would see no reason why it shouldn't be in D3. If they can exaggerate it, all the better.
BTW, I love the bottom pic.|||Now that bottom pic is

Game is far from finished, blizzard can make good games, and as an outsider we can come with a few ideas but we can't grasp where d3 is heading since we aren't the ones working on it.
Gamma settings and so forth will be there, as in most games and as i previous games. aside from that, d3 doesn not look bad as it is, it is not too bright, and that example picture is too dark instead - if you have a correctly configured monitor atleast

Mine was configured yesterday and that bottom pic is not to dark at all.
the top pic however tell me that we are fighting monsters during summer when the sun is shining and there is a light rain and the birds are singing with joy.
Sorry to burst your bubble but some of us dont give a damn about pictures that could fit in a game where you just travel the summer landscapes and take photos of the great summer weather while listening to the birds song.
If i want a kiddy game that carter to carebears i buy something for the wii not a pc game that is about fighting demons. Yes diablo 2 was colorful to hell and back i know that but when you hope for a more mature setting ala diablo 1 diablo 3 and its style feels like a generic mmo that carter to the generation who would scream for mercy the instant they face something that is remotly challenging or have a somewhat mature look and feel.
Det blir lite tr�ttsamt n�r vi lite �ldre spelare alltid f�r h�ra att n�gonting some som ser lite seri�st eller mer realistiskt ut alltid �r f�r m�rkt PReP testa att �ka upp till kiruna i vinter s� f�r du se hur riktigt m�rker ser ut.
Yes i write in swedish and the reason for that is that PReP should understand that just fine.|||Here's an idea. Make norm mode look like the top one, and hell mode look like the bottom.|||Are you all forgetting what blizzard said?
The game is supposed to look like that at the start of the game because at the start of the game, every is joyful and yes the birds are singing and all.
It's only later in the game the world of sanctuary will be in fear under the shadow of hell. And it's then when we will see the darkness we seek for in such a game.
Look at the new screenshots. The dungeons already seem more dark to me, and that's only act 2 IIRC.|||Interesting idea - the game world slowly growing darker and gloomier to reflect the growing taint and corruption in the land...
