I doubt this will ever get implemented, but I think it'd be cool for items to have a history log that goes with them. Websites can remember your information via cookies; the same process could be applied in the game. You could see which monster in which area in which difficulty spawned the item, that way you could instantly know the quality of the item (this would be useful, for instance, for re-rolling charms).
Additionally, it would signify a duped item but I'm sure the dupers will find a way around that too.
But I thought this would be a decent idea for D3.
I have a bunch of other ideas/suggestions, but we'll leave it at this for now. What do you guys think of this idea?|||Hi!
This would be something that is pretty easilly implemented. Most likely it wouldn't take that much space from the servers as it's only one information on the weapon, buti don't think we will see this. I think it's nice idea to see where people have gotten their gear when you compare them.

|||that would be a pretty cool idea, having an option to display a special tooltip for items which could list things like what monster dropped it, how many players were in game, what was the persons MF, what the odds of that item dropping under those conditions.
nothing game breaking or all to beneficial to the player, other than just(mostly useless) knowledge.