
My "ideal" dream Monster for Diablo III

[:1]This is a thread about what you "Dream" monster for Diablo II would be. What sort of monster type would you want to see that has not yet been revealed to be in the game ?

Here's my idea for a "De-buff" monster type.

The Dread Knight

Basically a heavily armored Undead Monster with the following characteristics:

1. High armor to soak damage.

2. Moderately high to high hit points

3.Weak to moderate melee attack (weapon)

4. Ability to create a magic shield in front of the Dread Knight that reflects missile attacks based upon the Havok physics.

5. While alive, the Dread Knight generates a large radius magical "aura" that in game is visible by it's color shifting effect (It makes all objects, items, creatures, magical effects, etc. in the area of effect lose color and appear in gray scale colors with the exception of the color Red.) - The game play effect of this Aura is that all Undead in the area of effect are stronger and faster, and players are slower in moving attacking, and casting and have increased chances that their attacks will miss. Additionally, as this is a life draining Aura, PC life will slowly drain just by being in the area of effect.

This should be a monster that usually is not found in numbers greater than three, but is often with a group of other weaker monsters that it attacks with. AI for this Monster would be such that it will seek to remain in the middle of a monster swarm behind rushing melee monsters, and in front of ranged attacking monsters, moving forward to attack only when all other melee monsters are dead.

So what are your ideas ?|||Thus the Dread Knight might be AKA "The Rainbow Killer".

It's appearance would give much of the screen that White/Black/Grey/Red color palette that was typical of Diablo I and II.

Also it would be a monster that would force ranged attackers to attempt to flank the monster. As the shield would reflect only in the front, so ranged attacking monsters behind it would shoot at PCs without impairment.

