
Hardcore PvP Arena - Page 2

[:1]so basically you want an arena where people lvl up to max level and get good gear over several weeks or months, join a single pvp battle, die, then restart the entire game? lol Look at d2 hardcore pvp, oh yea there isn't one.|||I've seen plenty of people pvp on D2 HC. Unfortunately there are too many cheats in D2, and the legit players lose. With this hopefully under control on D3, I think it can work well.

I think a HC ladder ranking system for pvp would be awesome. Having a toon that has 20 ears would be impressive. Will most people want to pvp in HC? No, but some will, and it will be awesome!|||If it's a death=death situation I guess there will be alot of lvl 30 HC twinks battling it out

