
Different key/button for moving and attacking


I think it would be awesome if moving and first attack wouldn't use the same key/mouse button.

It's annoying when we want to move somewhere and accidentally attack something. This happens to me a lot with my hammerdin. In a room full of monsters it tends to be hard to position the character in the desired spot.

The reverse is also annoying, we want to attack something and instead move close to it. This happens to me frequently with those tiny tiny creatures.

My mouse can be not that good to play or I just can be a little bit bad sometimes... I prefer to believe that the gameplay could be better, because it can.

We could use one mouse button to move and the other to attack, but this wouldn't solve the "problem" since most of the times we need to have two attacks/spells/warcry, an aura and attack/spell/warcry. (and auras must be in the right)

Perhaps the left mouse button could be for moving, right to primary attack, (both at same time to attacking while moving ??) and shift + right mouse button, for example, to secondary attack/spell, warcries, activate auras...

What do you think?|||I'll stick with my left mouse button for moving/attacking and my right button for secondary attacks/spells.

Just seems to fit the isometric view the best.|||This is where key bindings come in.

Personally i like how it is. But im sure they will allow key bindings like 90% of games now to where essentially you can make your "5" key make you move forward and your tab key make you attack. (what a weird setup that would be)|||The thing is: if the game is made in a way that the move command use always to same key as the first attack command, there's nothing we can do to disassociate them. We can change the key but not adjust the gameplay the way we want (two different keys for each command, for example).|||Quote:


The reverse is also annoying, we want to attack something and instead move close to it. This happens to me frequently with those tiny tiny creatures.

What do you think?

I think you should press and hold the shift key before clicking to attack... then this will never happen to you again

Edit... ugh... just noticed this thread is in the D3 suggestion forum... anyway, pressing and hold shift before left-clicking in D2 prevents you from moving when you intend to attack|||OP has a good point.

How about using the left mouse button for movement as always, and then the right mouse button + modifiers i.e. ctrl, shift or alt for attacks. As in normal right click = attack 1, hold modifier key + right click = attack 2. Since it seems the developers want you to have a wider array of skills you use at one time than in D2, you would probably want several modifier keys.

I think it would be best to keep movement mouse based rather than a wasd setup for diablo 3, as it seems to be better with the isometric view, allowing perfect control of movement. At the same time, I also think attacks are best mouse based, for targeting purposes - sure you could have hot keys like in MMOs, i.e. 1, 2, 3 etc. but then you would still need to target the attacks with a mouse click afterwards, which is just double the work.|||@Galtrovan

Yes that works sometimes, but it's not a perfect solution.

Imagine that you want to move and attack a monster that's "away" from you. You want to click on it, but if it's a small monster you can as easily and by mistake click really close to him, the result being you moving next to it and not attack, being vulnerable.

Other thing that can happen is wanting to move next to a monster and use, for example, static field and by mistake you just fireballing for nothing.

The thing that some mice aren't that precise and the D2 gameplay needs it if you want to play smoothly.


Yeah, it isn't easy to come up with a perfect idea.

Even so, instead of having to select the attack and use right or left mouse click I would prefer to have right click to move, press a key and left click to use an attack (and change the attacks like this).

