
A Diabolical Idea - Page 2

Very nice story, I enjoyed reading it.|||lol great

"Kick the baby" lol|||Very impressive |||I got something to say..

I killed your baby today and it..

Doesn't matta' much to me, as long as it's dead.

Good read, I like the idea. Though I wish to see this kind of ghoulishness in Diablo 3, I doubt it will make it past rating censorships. The little ones want to play this game, and that may be a little over the top.|||This is an cool idea, and I've always wished you could find stuff like that in games, but alas, I certainly don't think D3 will be it. About the only place this could probably exist is in indie games, but I'm not aware of any even at that. Historically, games are designed to be accessible to most age groups, even M rated games are easily gotten by 12 year olds. Something that's missing though is the aging gamer audience. Games aren't just for kids anymore. Adults in their 20s and 30s, and over time, 40s are huge growing game demographics that I never hear about! My friend's dad play video games a lot more than he does! I would love to see games come out that are pretty exclusively geared to adults (no, not porn-games), cause I think this could be really successful in coming years/decades. I think a few game companies are starting into this realm of thinking with a few of the more horror based games coming lately, but it's slow. You can make games that speak to adults just as easily as making movies that speak to adults, and if done right, I don't think there would even be an age/content conflict, cause it wouldn't even appeal to most kids.

Just my $0.02|||Not that it was directed at me, but Nintendo did increase the average age of gamers (in Australia, at least) to about 40 (the industry as a whole is around 35, last time I checked) exclusively with the release of it's first "brain training" game. This was mostly due to getting new (older) gamers involved.

Of course, there are heaps of older gamers who've been playing for ages, and as we get older, so does the average. Not that we can get anything over an MA rating (15+) here, 'cause the pollies still think "games are for kids".

