[:1]I can't remember if Diablo3 wanna gonna support the ingame creations of Guild/Clans? Can anyone refresh my mind?|||Oh my God, the last thing i want in my game is clinging into someone else. not saying this as offensive, but keep that **** in wow. Party playing sure, but no guild/clans in my Diablo |||Why bringing up WoW... there are clans in d2 aswell...
other then that you didn't answer my question.|||I do not think we know yet. It is related to Battle.net. At the moment, there are no clans support in SC2 for example, but I think they are considering it. Now, I think the real problem in integrating clans/guilds concerns PvP. Will there be ranking for clans, will there be clan vs clan PvP mode... So, in a sense, it is probably more complicated to do this for a pure PvP game like SC2.
For the PvE part of D3, I do not think it will be difficult to provide a "basic" clan structure: management of the clan members, dedicated chan, perhaps some clan's achievement...
Now is it really needed for a game like D3? I do not know. It is not a game that you play with 39 other guys (like WoW was in the beginning). You play with 3 other guys at the time so you do not need the structure that is needed in MMORPGs. If they offer the possibility to have private channels in game (which is essentially what I need to chat with friends or guildmates) that would be enough for me.|||Private channels were added to B.net 2.0 when chatrooms went in. I believe you can even still be in them during a game, although I quit playing SC2 some time ago so I'm not 100% sure.|||For me, the benefit I would expect to get from being in a clan would be some sort of priority/discounts on loot trading. The whole "keep it in the family" atmosphere. Not to make my clan better than your clan. But more of a way to "enjoy playing the game with friends." If I'm a barb and wizard gear drops (and my 3 in-clan wizard buddies aren't online atm) then I could stash that wizard gear somewhere that is visible to clanmates in some way (hopefully visible in-game and offline). Then my clanmates could contact me about borrowing or trading for that gear (which I could give them priority vs putting it on the open market). If all clanmates adopted that mentality, I think it would be mutually beneficial for all clan members. This is, of course, at the perview of each clan. They could choose to share/not share loot in this same fashion and come up with their own plans on how best to share/distribute loot.