
Bloody grounds disappear after 5 secs? No way!

After watching the gameplay trailer a few times, I noticed that the corpes and the blood disappear very very quickly from the screen. I know this is a very small issue, maybe they will change it regardless, but maybe not, so I thought I should mention it.

I like how the blood effects works, so please Blizzard, dont waste those horrific grounds you see after a hard battle, turning them to normal empty ground again after 5 secs. Its a shame.

What do you guyz think about that?|||This came up in another thread a while back (can't for the life of me find it though). Other questions are attached to this phenomenon as well, like 'Will there be corpse-based skills?' like D2's corpse explosion, raise skeleton, or grim ward. I think we'll corpse-based skills removed (notice the Witch Doctor can summon undead mongrels from any random patch of dirt, it seems), and the corpse-stay be an option. I'm sure high end computers will manage the 50-100 corpses you'd generate in a heavy battleground, while low end machines will be happy to fade those suckers away. As it was mentioned before, a nice "dissolve to ash" animation (like Doom 3) would be a bit more swanky than simply alpha-fading them into oblivion.|||thank you very much for the intersting answer. I searched for a similar thread before posting, too, didnt find anything so I posted.|||i'm pretty sure that the zombie wall cast by the WD just gibs all the goat-dudes and leaves nothing on the ground...|||I like a blood soaked ground/floor. It will help me to remember where I 've been also.|||Quote:

After watching the gameplay trailer a few times, I noticed that the corpes and the blood disappear very very quickly from the screen.

Well, in the latest build/videos, corpses stay for a long time but blood still disappears very fast. It is a shame anyway. But I am more concerned about those violet glowing gibs after Arcane critical kills. It looks ghay.

